Organizing Comitee


Organizing Comitee


Coordination: Fabien RieraResearch and project manager ANR CO-SCIENCES, Institut de Géoarchitecture (EA 2219), Programs and Research Manager of the International Chair of Excellence LABEX MER / AMURE / IUEM, PhD student in Marine Anthroplogy and Economics(AMURE UMR M101).


Frédérique Chlous, Professor of ethnology, MNHN, associate researcher,Institut de Géoarchitecture (EA 2219)

Sylvain Laubé, Sciences and technics historian, Vice-Director of Centre François Viéte

Marc Suquet, Biologist, LEMAR (UMR 6539), Brest

Philippe Monbet, European Project Manager, Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique

Murielle Couchevellou, Communication project manager, Technopole Brest Iroise

Sébastien Gallet, Associate professor, Institut de GéoArchitecture (EA2219)

Jean-Luc Bouillon, Professor in Information and communication sciences, Vice-Director of PREFICS (EA 4246)

Hélène Bardon, PhD student in communication sciences, PREFICS (EA 4246)

Chloé Denais, Studies engineer, PREFICS (EA 4246)


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